Password Create

Welcome to the uLink user creation page. You can obtain a username and password if:

  • You are already academically registered for the current or previous academic year; or
  • You are planning to register academically via uLink (new students) - provided the registration cycle is currently active.
*If you are a staff member, you don't need to create a password. Login with your UJ username and password. Alternatively contact ICS on 011 559 8888 for guidance on the process.

Enter your student number:

Enter your ID/Passport number:

Next Steps:
  1. Select your preferred verification method below
  2. A one-time secure link will be sent to your chosen contact method
  3. On the next screen, you'll complete a quick facial verification check (similar to mobile banking apps) to ensure your identity
  4. Once verified, you'll be able to create your password

Select Verification Method

SMS Verification
Email Verification

After submitting you will be presented with the opportunity to create your password.